De Costura en Costura
8:00 Minutos
“De Coser en Coser” cuenta la historia de Luz Marina Sánchez, una mujer que ha superado obstáculos a través de su trabajo, que considera un arte: ser modista, incluso en tiempos en que la moda rápida domina la industria textil. Además, Luz Marina es la abuela de Samuel Reyes, directora y creadora de esta historia íntima.
From Sewing to Sewing” tells the story of Luz Marina Sanchez, a woman who has overcome obstacles through her work, which she considers an art: being a dressmaker, even in times when fast fashion dominates the textile industry. Apart from that, Luz Marina is Samuel Reyes’ grandmother, the director and creator of this intimate story.
Samuel Reyes
As Director