This is not. A Muse
Esto no es una musa, sintetiza el heterogéneo concepto de arte. huyendo de la posición de «musas» en marcos huecos durante el mantenimiento de la galería paciência, en salvador, brasil, 7 mujeres artistas de diferentes partes del país expresan con sus cuerpos y movimientos sus propias artes finales basadas en obras de arte anteriores. durante 3 dias, se realizaron performances que involucraron canto, performance corporal, escultura, lienzos de pintura moderna y contemporanea, poesia y danzas.
las respuestas de los artistas implican experiencias temporales, físicas, emocionales y sensoriales — partiendo del concepto kantiano de fruición, el ser interpreta la misma proyección de diferentes maneras, disintiendo puntos de vista sobre la interpretación del arte.
Biografía del director – Thaís DeMelo
This is not. a muse, synthesizes the heterogeneous concept of art. fleeing from the position of “muses” in hollow frames during the maintenance of the paciência gallery, in salvador, brazil, 7 female artists from different parts of the country express with their bodies and movements their own final arts based in previous works of art. during 3 days, performances were carried out involving singing, body performance, sculpture, modern and contemporary painting canvases, poetry and dances.
the artists responses involve temporal, physical, emotional and sensorial experiences — starting from the kantian fruition concept, the being interprets the same projection in different ways, dissenting views on the interpretation of art.
Director Biography – Thaís DeMelo

Thaís DeMelo
As Directora